Mobile Applications

MONASBATCOM Mobile Application


MONASBATCOM is an Mobile application that collects events in Kuwait like: joys, a dinner party, a graduation ceremony, seminars …
Groupping event’s by date and distance, in addition to locating this occasion with a possibility of keeping the appropriate user and remind them is automatically.

CHANDLER Mobile Application


Chandler’s PaySlip Android application for Chnadler company, which is one of Australia’s leading Business Process & Outsource companies.

E-Learning Mobile PhoneGap


Creating a Mobile Application E-Learning PhoneGap for different OS and multiple Screen resolutions : IPhone/Ipad, Android, Windows 7/8 for tablet.

The purpose of this application is to provide the tools for teachers to assess that students has understood lessons. Client is a Registered Training Organisation who provides on-line learning and they seek an app for training […]

Android and iPhone for “Namaa Real-Estate”

« Namaa Real-estate» is search engine to find properties which are nearby, using the geolocation and maps capabilities offered by Google Maps.

Customer which is from Saudi Arabia, had the aim of facilitating the search, booking (or buying) process, by making all that possible within the web app and the Mobile app that was specially developed for that.

Among […]